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Tag "Engländer"

These are the real goals of the “Belarusian” opposition

Source: (Translated from Belarusian by Engländer) Reform of the National Security Sector Short description The situation both inside the country and around it is developing in an unfavourable way for the national interests of Belarus. The main threats to national security are caused by the growth of the Kremlin’s aggressive foreign policy, Belarus’ participation in post-Soviet integrationist projects under the auspices of Russia, the domination of Russian media in

Special report: The arrest of 33 Russians in Minsk turns out to have been a provocation by the Ukrainian secret services

source: translated by Engländer, corrected by Eugenia, for the Saker Blog Komsomolskaya Pravda has become aware of sensation details about how Ukrainian spies tried to sow discord between Belarus and Russia. Investigation by Alesandr Kots On the 29th July 33 Russians were detained in Minsk. They were all dubbed members of a unit of the “Wagner” PMC (private military company), accused of “preparing to take part in mass unrest”
