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Tag "Evo Morales"

Evo Morales to RT: Plane-grounding debacle will never be forgotten in South America

RT reports:Bolivian President Evo Morales has threatened “measures” against European countries in response to the grounding of his plane in Vienna last week, demanding they reveal the source of false information that Edward Snowden was on board. “We are expecting European countries that forced me to land to explain what made them think I was transporting the fugitive US citizen. Where did this information come from, and why are they

Short update on the fallout following the “Imperial Skyjacking”

Here is a short update on the fallout following the “Imperial Skyjacking” of President Evo Morales’ airplane over Europe. Paris expressed “regrets” but did not present excuses. Demonstrators threw stones at the French Embassy in La Paz The Bolivian Parliament will demand the expulsion of the French, Italian and Portuguese ambassadors The Argentinian President Christina Fernandez de Krichner has declared that the Europeans “they have all gone completely insane!” UNASUR

The EU – acting on behalf of Uncle Sam – commits an act of piracy against a head of state!

Just on Monday I called the entire European political class “the worst hypocrites on the planet” along with a few other less-than-complimentary things. And this morning I learn this: ‘Imperial Skyjacking’: Bolivian presidential plane grounded in Austria over Snowden stowaway suspicions: not only did the governments of France, Portugal, Spain and Italy illegally close their airspace to President Morales’ presidential plane, the Austrians actually had the nerve to search it

A Nobel Prize For Evo Morales

By Fidel Castro If Obama was awarded the Nobel for winning the elections in a racist society despite his being African American, Evo deserves it for winning them in his country despite his being a native and his having delivered on his promises. For the first time, in both countries a member of their respective ethnic groups has won the presidency. I had said several times that Obama is

Threat to Democracy in Latin America

On 10 September, the president of Bolivia declared the US ambassador to Bolivia persona non grata. On 11 September (the 35th anniversary of the military overthrow of Salvador Allende in Chile) the president of Venezuela asked the US ambassador to Venezuela to leave the country. President Hugo Chavez believed he was facing the possibility of an imminent coup d’etat in which he accused the United States administration of being involved.

Reactionary Rampage: The Paramilitary Massacre in Bolivia

by Forrest Hylton for NACLA Bolivian President Evo Morales’ expulsion of US Ambassador Phillip Goldberg on September 10 for alleged coup plotting sparked the latest diplomatic crisis in the Americas. But the diplomatic fallout has overshadowed the internal dynamics that led to the massacre of some 30 campesinos with perhaps as many as 40 more disappeared in El Porvenir, Pando, near Bolivia’s northeastern border with Brazil. The massacre coincided with

Bolivia cements Iran ties amid US dismay

Press TV reports: Bolivia’s President Evo Morales says his official visit to Iran aims at raising Tehran-La Paz political relations to a much higher level. In a meeting with Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Bolivia’s visiting president pointed to the two countries’ opposing stance against imperialism and said that his visit is ‘a symbol of unity and solidarity among Iranian and Bolivian nations.’ “In addition to promoting political relations, this visit
