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Tag "Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov"

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s article on cooperation in the Caspian Region

The Caspian – a unique region of neighbourliness On June 29, 2022, Ashgabat hosted an important international event, the 6th Caspian Summit, and I believe it is important to consider the role and place of the Caspian Region in the fairer, more democratic and sustainable multi-polar system that is taking shape today. The importance of the Caspian Region for the Russian Federation is determined by its strategic location in the

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s introductory remarks at the opening of the exhibition of archive records on the 250th anniversary of the reunification of the peoples of Russia and Belarus

This year, Russia and Belarus are celebrating the 250th anniversary of the reunification of our fraternal peoples. In Soviet historiography, this event is referred to as the First Partition of Poland in 1772 that took place against the background of incessant wars in Europe. Count Nikita Panin and Vice Chancellor Prince Alexander Golitsyn conducted talks on Russia’s behalf. They reached an agreement with Prussian envoy Count Solms and Austrian envoy

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov : Member countries of the African Union

Editorial Comment: Mr Lavrov’s visits to Arab states, the Arab League, and African states can only be described as a stunning victory and a complete triumph for diplomacy. A short overview is included in the second part of this Operation Z situation report: All of the various transcripts can be read at the MFA site: Short comments and summaries can be found on the MFA Telegram Channel:
