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Tag "Freedom Flotilla 2"

Freedom Flotilla 2.0 – so far so good, but I am worried

It appears that the organizers of the Freedom Flotilla 2 have decided to ignore the various intimidations made by Israeli and US politicians and that the Freedom Flotilla 2 (FF2) is about to sail to Gaza.  Predictably, Netanyahu’s threat to deport all journalists on the FF2 for 10 years and Hillary Clinton’s threat to arrest any US citizens involved in “aiding Hamas” had no effect at all the the FF2

Freedom Flotilla 2.0 – so far so good, but I am worried

It appears that the organizers of the Freedom Flotilla 2 have decided to ignore the various intimidations made by Israeli and US politicians and that the Freedom Flotilla 2 (FF2) is about to sail to Gaza.  Predictably, Netanyahu’s threat to deport all journalists on the FF2 for 10 years and Hillary Clinton’s threat to arrest any US citizens involved in “aiding Hamas” had no effect at all the the FF2
