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Tag "freedom"

What is freedom?

by Naresh Jotwani Not many will dispute that ‘freedom’ is one of the more popular words in English language today — in spite of the fact that, as we shall see, this word does not even have a well-defined meaning. Despite lacking a clear meaning, the idea of ‘freedom’ is much loved the world over. Would any human being ever choose ‘not being free’ over ‘being free’? That is unimaginable.

Copyright vs Community in the Age of Computer Networks

Since  I am on something of a roll on the topic of the technological aspects of what I call “surviving in a world of zombies”, I have decided to post some links to the audio recording of a recent presentation by Richard Stallman (a personal hero of mine) on the issue of Copyright vs Community in the Age of Computer Networks.  In this absolutely fascinating talk, Richard (who often is

Lending ebooks? Debunking corporate lies

Since have recently posted a review of ebook readers I decided that it might be a good idea to post an excellent article by John Sullivan, the operations manager at the Free Software Foundation (of which I am a ‘card carrying member’), debunking some of the lies told to us by big corporations about the issue of ‘ebook lending’.  John’s piece, entitled “Lending: A solved problem” appeared in the Fall

Googling Sibel Edmonds

Over 24 hours have passed since the video and full transcript of Sibel Edmond’s deposition have been made public, giving even the most stupid and lazy journalist the time to either watch the video or read the transcript. This morning, I decided to check what Google News would find for me. I simply typed “Sibel Edmonds” and hit enter. Here are the results: Now, I cannot say that I was

One more political prisoner in the Empire’s Dungeons

From today’s Democracy Now headlines: Palestinian Professor Sentenced to 11 Years For Refusing to Testify: In Chicago, a federal court has sentenced a Palestinian-American activist to more than 11 years in prison for refusing to testify before a grand jury in 2003 about the activities of the Palestinian group Hamas. Abdelhaleem Ashqar defended his refusal to testify saying that he shouldn’t have to give testimony that would aid the Israeli

Finally, Action! Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Defend Constitution!

by Naomi Wolf It’s not every day that there is something concrete you can do to save democracy in one powerful stroke and make sure your kids don’t come of age in an American in which we are no longer protected by the rule of law. I have been writing about the terrifying and precipitous assault on our liberties and our very system of checks and balances; I have crossed

Ron Paul on US policies towards Cuba

Struggling for Relevance in Cuba: Still No Cigars by Rep. Ron Paul Since Raul Castro seems to be transitioning to a more permanent position of power, the administration has begun talking about Cuba policy again. One would think we would be able to survey the results of the last 45 years and come to logical conclusions. Changing course never seems to be an option, however, no matter how futile or
