Tag "French Saker blog"
Communiqué du Saker Francophone Dans la nuit du 9 au 10 mars, un incendit a détruit une partie du DataCenter de Strasbourg d’OVH, notre hébergeur. https://www.phonandroid.com/ovh-la-cause-de-lincendie-identifiee.html Comme 3 à 4 millions de sites, notre site ne repond plus. Nous sommes maintenant tributaire d’OVH pour un retour à la normale entre le 22 et le 25 Mars. Il faudra s’armer de patience pour retrouver un service normal. On remercie tous ceux
by the French Saker for the Saker Blog The Yellow vest crisis is gaining steam, specially by exposing the hypocrisy of these elite sectors: the media and its journalists and experts, the government and its police, the judiciary and its powerful prosecutors. The Yellow vest crisis makes them completely freaking out and that can be clearly seen in their reactions. Responding with batons and grenade shots, lawsuits and mass incarcerations,
by Le yéti and translated by Le Saker Francophone The explosion of hysteria that struck the ruling class in the aftermath of Act 14 shows that the Yellow vests are scoring decisive points. Everything, they have tried everything, but none of the scare tactics they used to cast anathema and discredit on their opponents will have worked. The demonization of the Yellow Vests accused in November of being under the
The French Saker Blog is looking for a volunteer translator willing to translate a series of analytical economic research papers from French to English which will then be published on the English-speaking websites. Anyone interested can contact us at this email address: wayansukarno@yandex. Thank you for your cooperation Wayan Le Saker Francophone recherche un traducteur bénévole du francais vers l’anglais pour traduire une série de textes d’analyse économique qui seront ensuite publiés sur des sites anglophones. Toute personne intéressée peut nous