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Tag "friends of lebanon"

“Israeli” Espionage Saga – Discoveries are actually evidence that “Israel” has gone to the extent of building an autonomous network on Lebanese territory

Exclusive to By Mariam Saleh Lebanon has been under the outrage of continued reports of “Israeli” spying equipment and agents being found on its land. Lately, the Lebanese Army uncovered that it spotted and dismantled two long-range spying devices crediting the Resistance with providing information that enabled the discoveries. The two pieces of equipment were camouflaged with artificial mountain rocks and were found simultaneously in a period of two

Challenging the Dahiya Doctrine

By Brenda Heard “Part of the functions of reports such as this is to attempt, albeit in a very small way, to restore the dignity of those whose rights have been violated in the most fundamental way of all –the arbitrary deprivation of life. It is important that the international community asserts formally and unequivocally that such violence to the most basic fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals should not
