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Tag "g.h. eliason"

LDNR State Building – Interview with Donetsk People’s Republic MP Fransua Modeme

by GH Eliason for the Saker Blog It’s a rarity to come across people with a singular focus of helping others and I hope this interview as well as Christelle Neant and Sergey Dzhura really showcases the qualities that drive them. In the course of my work, I don’t normally have the opportunity to write about people in such glowing terms. Francois Modeme is an accomplished lead singer with the

Ukraine’s DNC Hackers Out of the Closet- Assange exonerated-Crowdstrike liable

by G.H Eliason for the Saker Blog This article will unequivocally prove the Russian government and Julian Assange was innocent in relation to the DNC hacks of 2016 beyond a shadow of a doubt. Doing so has involved the laborious work detailing events occurring from 2015-2016 that are completely separate from the DNC LEAK VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) investigated. In the beginning, it became clear we were investigating
