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Tag "Glaziev"

Sergei Glaziev: The full extend of economic manipulations in Russia.

Source: Translation: Eugenia ANCHOR: Good evening. Here in our studio this Friday we have the member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Glasyev. Sergey Yurievich, welcome. Thanks very much for finding time to come here. I have heard that you have to use metro to reach us. GLASYEV: It is a perfectly good means of transportation. The only reliable one. ANCHOR: Do you have to use it often?

Vladimir Pozner interviews Sergei Glaziev (CORRECTED)

Foreword by the Saker: Vladimir Pozer is the Moscow equivalent of the notorious Savik Shuster in Kiev: one of the worst of the worst “liberal” “democratic” (in the Russian meaning of these words) journalists out there.  You will see that most of his questions are ‘loaded’ – he operates by innuendos, suggestion, by appealing to emotions and associations.  If Shuster is a dumb scumbag, then Pozner is a clever, one
