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Tag "GNU/Linux"

May I suggest a New Year’s resolution?

The BBC reports that a new and “virulent form of ransomware has now infected about quarter of a million Windows computers (…) Cryptolocker scrambles users’ data and then demands a fee to unencrypt it alongside a countdown clock“. The article then goes on to describe a few general things about Cryptolocker and ends by providing a list of measures Dell and, by implication, the BBC recommend to protect computers from

For all you fellow techies and geeks out there

I wanted to write a long article for a while already, but I just don’t have the time.  So I will pass on a few things I want to share with you, in no particular order, bullet-style presentation. Ubuntu is undergoing a serious crisis from which it is unlikely to recover.  Without going into many details, let’s just say that Mark Shuttleworth has openly stated that the Unity, the default

Putin orders Russia to move to GNU/Linux

Original article here Google translation of original article here First commentary here Discussion on slashdot here Now, this is very good news indeed!  As far as I know, Russia is the last of the BRICS countries to take that decision (yes, I did put an ‘s’ at BRICS since South Africa has now joined this group).  As far as I know, the first BRICS country to move to GNU/Linux was
