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Tag "Gold"

The Western Sanctions on Russia SITREP by the Serbian Girl

The US –led war campaign against Russia, includes financial warfare. USA has complete dominance of the global financial network. Sanctions were put in place in order to financially asphyxiate Russia and “destroy Vladimir Putin” Political and Military Analyses Source: Here’s how Obama’s sanctions will destroy Vladimir Putin The timing was particular painful as it coincided with the fall in oil prices. The sanctions, however, have backfired in at least two

China and Russia are Acquiring Gold, Dumping US Dollars

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky for Global Research There is evidence that central banks in several regions of the World are building up their gold reserves. What is published are the official purchases.A large part of these Central Bank purchases of gold bullion are not disclosed. They are undertaken through third party contracting companies, with utmost discretion. US dollar holdings and US dollar denominated debt instruments are in effect being traded in
