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Tag "Hakim"

Iran opposed anti-Sadr operations by the Maliki regime

Many thanks to Anita for this most interesting contribution!My comments in green italics inside the text of the original article `Angry’ Iran sharpens tone with Baghdad’s leaders BAGHDAD (AP) — When a group of Iraqi envoys headed to Iran recently, they were fully prepared for some tense moments. But they also hoped to come away with something to show for it: pledges of cooperation on weakening Shiite militias in Iraq.

Shia and Sunni factions harden anti-US stance

Sayyed Ammar al-Hakim Calls for Full US Pull-Out BAGHDAD, A key member of Iraq’s ruling coalition called Saturday for the complete withdrawal of foreign troops from his country and rejected the possibility of permanent US bases. Ammar Hakim, a leading figure of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC), also called on the US occupation troops to be more careful in their use of force after recent bombings killed civilians in
