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Tag "hasbara"

How Zionists try to manipulate the Internet

Haaretz reports: Israel’s Internet intifada Online political activism has hitched its battlewagon to the stars of social networking, leading to warfare over Israel’s legitimacy on sites like Facebook and MySpace. By Benjamin L. Hartman The struggle for the Holy Land may be the world’s most ancient conflict. But in one respect, at least, the weapons and the battleground could not be more cutting-edge. This is the realm of the “virtual

United Against Knowledge

by Gilad Atzmon The Guardian reported today that two Israeli groups have set up training courses in  subversive Wikipedia editing aiming  to ‘show the other side’ of the Jewish State. Those who lend their pen to the Palestinian cause know about Wikipedia Jews, a term that was coined a few years ago. It refers to a bunch of rabid and crypto Zionists who constantly vandalise encyclopaedia entries to do with

Israel thumbs nose at world anger

Press TV reports: Israel has triggered a new tide of global outrage after it started circulating a video that pokes fun at the Freedom Flotilla activists, recently attacked by armed Israeli commandos. While world countries and international organizations are up in arms over a deadly Israeli attack on a ship carrying aid for Gazans, Tel Aviv continues to refuse to show any remorse for its violent actions. In a move

The latest Israeli hysterics – blood “libel” (again)!

Israeli politicians are off their meds again, this time they are infuriated by an article in a Swedish newspaper, the Aftonbladet, reporting that a number of Israeli officials and the IDF were involved in a goulish human organs trafficking scheme (you can get the details, with a translation of the original article, here). Today’s issue of Haaretz is full of articles about the indignation of various Israeli politicians:(Netanhahu, Lieberman and

Hasbara spam alert

by Richard Silverstein for the Guardian The hasbara brigade strikes again! You always hear about Israeli attempts at media manipulation. Everyone knows it’s going on but usually the process happens through cyber insurgents like those involved with Giyus (and its media monitoring software, Megaphone). Now, we know that the Israeli foreign ministry itself is orchestrating propaganda efforts designed to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information. A reader of
