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Tag "healthcare"

Traveler’s toothache – Russian dentist

by the Geneva Observer My tooth ache was too much. Natasha made the call. My fear of the dentist is something like the elephant and the mouse. I may not be an elephant, but my dentist would be considerably smaller than me, a woman dentist, wearing studded earrings, and perfectly glossed nails. The dental clinic was one of the most modern in Yaroslavl. They accepted the challenge of dealing with

Fidel Castro’s Reflection: The US Healthcare Reform

Cuban leader Fidel Castro Ruz said that it is it is really amazing that 234 years after the Declaration of Independence, the US government has approved medical care for the overwhelming majority of its citizens, something that Cuba accomplished for its entire population half a century ago despite the cruel and inhuman blockade imposed by Washington. Barack Obama is a zealous believer in the imperialist capitalist system imposed by the

Top Insurers Post Record Profits While Dropping 2.7M Policyholders

Democracy Now reports: A new report says the nation’s five biggest insurance companies set an all-time record for combined profits last year. According to Health Care for America Now, the companies WellPoint, CIGNA, UnitedHealth Group, Aetna Inc. and Humana posted cumulative profits of $12.2 billion. That marks a $4.4 billion, or 56 percent, increase over 2008 and amounts to an average profit margin of 5.2 percent. CIGNA saw the highest

Why They’re Afraid Of Michael Moore

By John Pilger In Sicko, Michael Moore’s new film, a young Ronald Reagan is shown appealing to working-class Americans to reject “socialised medicine” as commie subversion. In the 1940s and 1950s, Reagan was employed by the American Medical Association and big business as the amiable mouthpiece of a neo-fascism bent on persuading ordinary Americans that their true interests, such as universal health care, were “anti-American”. Watching this, I found myself

Cubans treat man who killed Che

BBC – Cuban doctors working in Bolivia have saved the sight of the man who executed revolutionary leader Che Guevara in 1967, Cuban official media report. Mario Teran, a Bolivian army sergeant, shot dead Che Guevara after he was captured in Bolivia’s eastern lowlands. Cuban media reported news of the surgery ahead of the 40th anniversary of Che’s death on 9 October. Mr Teran had cataracts removed under a Cuban
