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Tag "Hugo Dionísio"

Desperate actions

by Hugo Dionísio for the Saker blog Something is changing on Mount Olympus and it is leaving in tatters the union of tendencies connected to the U.S.-state falconry. To understand and predict the actions of the political elite that commands, through their transnational mandataries, our destinies, implies knowing what one of the most important US defense think tanks reflects and publishes. This research leads us to an entity that rarely

The Sect

by Hugo Dionísio for the Saker blog Today, anyone who breaks out of the sphere “led” by the US and imprisoned inside G7, EU and NATO, and thus breaks out of the communicational, political-ideological and also cultural circuit constituted by the individualistic Anglo-Saxon and Judeo-Christian identitarianism, identified as what is called “the golden billion”, can only reach the conclusion that the privileged elite, that actually wields the power, is crystallized

Everything upside down

by Hugo Dionísio for the Saker blog 8 years of fortified constructions, tunnels, bunkers and endless armament depots, two months of repositioning of reserves and military human losses, the structure finally begins to collapse. The human losses are in the tens of thousands of young people, not so young, national and foreign, and after all the inevitable happens. The comedian who is president, in his daily videos from some bunker

In 2022 We Have the Explanation of 2023

by Hugo Dionísio for the Saker blog While the numbers of Ronaldo and his “triumphant” signing for the “competitive” Saudi league are being discussed in Portuguese and European news, the world outside is spinning in such a way that the corporate press of the North Atlantic has a hard time keeping pace, opting to summarize the history of international politics in two main facts: the war in the East and

A well-deserved prize!

by Hugo Dionísio for the Saker blog A feeling of complete justice is what I felt when I attended the presentation of the Sakharov prize to comedian Zelinsky. Rarely does an award embody, so substantially, the deep connection between the institution that promotes it, the great European political families that approved it, and the recipient himself. I give a standing ovation! Yes, sir! I fully approve! The bank account that
