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Tag "Hyper-short items"

A few more hyper-short items + open thread (IMPORTANT UPDATE!!)

Dear friends,I am exhausted.  Badly.  Had to spend many hours on the road this week-end so here is my schedule:Today I will, insha’allah, answer the most (all?) the emails I have to answer.  Then I will write a bunch of emails to try to get a few apparently stuck “balls” rolling again. Tomorrow I should be back with an analysis of what happened in Novorussia.Thanks a lot for all the

Three hyper-short items + open thread

Dear friends,There hyper-short items: I will be gone all day on Monday (this is why I did the podcast on Sunday). Winter (especially early winter) does not at all prevent military operations in the Ukraine (forget that Jack Forst nonsense).  Voentorg might. Looks like Zakharchenko won the elections in Novorussia by a large margin (“hurray-patriots” will be enraged). The SakerPS: the open thread is yours for the day :-)
