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Tag "Imperial Congress"

And now, a few words from the Ziocrazies on the Hill

LOL! This did not take too long. According to the WSJ, “two key Republican Senate lawmakers gave notice that despite President Barack Obama‘s pledge to seek congressional authorization for a potential military strike against Syria, they wouldn’t support a limited attack that fell short of changing the momentum on the battlefield.” Hardly a surprise.But this a great way to achieve a complete deadlock. If Obama wants only a “shot across

Obama folds, but this is far from over

Great news!  Obama announced that he is going to go to Congress to seek a vote on military action against Syria.  There is little doubt in my mind that what happened is that Obama’s advisers (possibly Hegel and Dempsey at the JCS) found a way to “spread the blame” for the inevitable accusation of “losing face” with Congress.  From their point of view this is a win-win move: their Congress

One more proof that the Israel Lobby controls Congress

Democracy Now! reports: The House has approved a non-binding measure denouncing a UN inquiry for accusing Israel of committing war crimes in its assault on the Gaza Strip. The inquiry, headed by South African jurist Richard Goldstone, also accused Hamas of war crimes and urged both sides to investigate the charges or face international prosecution. But the House measure dismissed the Goldstone report as “irredeemably biased and unworthy of further
