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Tag "imperial decadence"

Two totally grotesque news stories about the USA

Two truly ridiculous news items today from The Raw Story: Abroad: The United States spends $20.2 billion annually on air conditioning for troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan — more than NASA’s entire budget, NPR reported. In fact, the same amount of money that keeps soldiers cool is the amount the G-8 has committed to helping the fledgling democracies in Tunisia and Egypt. Comment: no wonder the Afghans consider US

Two totally grotesque news stories about the USA

Two truly ridiculous news items today from The Raw Story: Abroad: The United States spends $20.2 billion annually on air conditioning for troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan — more than NASA’s entire budget, NPR reported. In fact, the same amount of money that keeps soldiers cool is the amount the G-8 has committed to helping the fledgling democracies in Tunisia and Egypt. Comment: no wonder the Afghans consider US

Yet another mind blowing example of gross FBI incompetence

Check out this one: Amazing. While being utterly incapable of protecting the USA against *real* threats, this is the kind of silly nonsense which the FBI is engaged in. All this reminds me of the KGB during the late Brezhnev years: big, bloated, phenomenally incompetent and specializing in harassing perceived “enemies of the state” while utterly missing the *real* enemies. As somebody who has carefully and personally observed the collapse
