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Tag "Japan"

Liberals scream Putin sells Russia and call to give away the Kurils to Japan

By Ruslan Ostashko Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor Can a person simultaneously shout that the authorities of “this country” are selling out Russia, and advocate for giving away the Kuril Islands to Japan? A person can, if it’s a Russian-speaking, pro-Western liberal.   We have long been accustomed to the fact that the Ukrainian media writes all sorts of nonsense. However, when it comes to a “Kiev expert” it

Russia, the EU and UN and a “Deep State” whistle blower SITREP

Ukraine One of the largest munitions depot near Kharkov is on fire. Thousands of people are being evacuated from Balakleya in the Kharkov region Anatolii Matios, a Deputy Prosecutor-General of Ukraine, posted on his FB account a message saying that the fire was the result of the sabotage and that the depot had about 138,000 tons of munition. Not to rain on his parade, but historically it’s an established practice

U.S. Backs Japan In Looming Confrontation With Russia

by Rick Rozoff for Stop NATO Last week Kamitsuki Toyohisa, the Japanese Foreign Ministry counselor for European Affairs, said that the relationship between his country and Russia is “at its worst point in decades.” In fact the dramatic ratcheting up of rhetoric – and corresponding actions – on both sides over the Kuril Islands are more evocative of the situation preceding the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 and the two nations’

U.S. Supports Japan, Confronts China And Russia Over Island Disputes

by Rick Rozoff for Stop NATO In a six-day span the U.S. State Department has bluntly affirmed unequivocal backing for Japanese territorial claims against both Russia and China, even invoking a defense treaty provision that could lead to direct military intervention and war with the world’s most populous nation. Beginning a 13-day, seven-nation tour of the Asia-Pacific region on October 27 in Hawaii, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Joint

Japan okays yen transactions with Iran

A Japanese official says his country will use yen in half of its future crude transactions with Iran as requested by the Islamic Republic. Head of Japan’s Petroleum Association, Fumiaki Watari, noted substituting yen with dollar for half of Japan’s transactions is feasible. Watari who also chairs Nippon Oil Corp. pointed out that the Japanese refining companies are presently working to change the currency unit for their transactions, Shana reported.

Iran wants oil pay in yen not dollars

Fri, 13 Jul 2007 21:39:03 The dollar has sharply plummeted against the yen this afternoon on reports Iran has asked Japan to stop paying for its oil in dollars. The dollar was driven down against the Japanese yen this afternoon, hit by the news that Iran had asked Japan to pay for its oil purchases in the Japanese currency and not in dollars. Iran has sent a letter to Japanese
