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Tag "Jeff Brown"

Picturing the media campaign needed to get the US back to work

Ramin Mazaheri and Jeff J Brown – for The Saker Blog We can’t always find it but there is always a tipping point. Last week I crunched the data and suggested it’s May 17: The date the Great Lockdown must end or Everything Bubble 2 pops. Maybe I’m a few days off, but not many more: This bubble-popping is precisely why Trump is not wearing a mask, planned to end

BRICS is Eurangloland’s canary in the imperial mines

By Jeff J. Brown Above, the official logo of the big BRICS summit, held in Xiamen, China, September 3-5, 2017. It was reported that there were dead canaries all over the place, covered in coal dust. No official explanation has been provided, but Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese homologue, Xi Jinping were reported to be smiling from start to finish.   BRICS is Eurangloland’s canary in the imperial
