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Tag "jewish hatred of Christianity"

Israel SITREP: The Christ-hating Israelis are at it again

Remember this: or, for that matter, this: Well, our Israeli friends have done it again, check out this article by RT: (just ignore all the explaining away and other cop-outs in the text of the RT article). ———- ‘McJesus’ statue sparks riot at museum in Israel as protesters call for removal of ‘offensive’ art An art exhibit featuring a crucified Ronald McDonald caused chaos in the Israeli city of Haifa

Nittel Nacht: No Sex, No Torah, Just Fear Of Evil Spiritual Forces Associated With Jesus

Shmarya Rosenberg reports: Tonight is Christmas Eve – better known in the haredi world as Nittel Nacht. Hasidic Jews believe that evil spiritual forces are at full force tonight and to prevent giving strength to any of these impure forces, hasidim do not study Torah, Talmud, halakha or other Jewish religious subjects, and they also abstain from having sex. The 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe, left, playing chess with his younger son-in-law,

United Against Spitting

by Gilad Atzmon Three days ago the Israeli Right wing paper The Jerusalem Post published an exposé of the growing tendency of Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem to spit on their Christian neighbours. (‘Mouths Filled with Hatred’, By Larry Derfner The JPost, Nov. 26, 2009). Father Samuel Aghoyan, a senior Armenian Orthodox cleric in Jerusalem’s Old City, told the JPost “that he’s been spat at by young Haredi (God fearing religious

In Defense of Larry David

by Gilad Atzmon Don’t Blame the Messenger Critics of Larry David say he has gone further than any other Jewish comic or intellectual in insulting Christianity and Christian values. In an episode of the highly popular HBO series “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” which caricatures David’s true personal life, David accidentally splashes a drop of urine on a framed picture of Jesus that is hanging in his devout secretary’s bathroom. Having been
