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Tag "John Perkins"

“Greece is being ‘hit’, there’s no doubt about it,”

“Greece is being ‘hit’, there’s no doubt about it,” exclaims John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, noting that “[Indebted countries] become servants to what I call the corporatocracy … today we have a global empire, and it’s not an American empire. It’s not a national empire… It’s a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule.” John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit

US Imperial innovation: subversion goes private (has anybody noticed?)

CIA Agents assassinated in Afghanistan worked for “contractor” active in Venezuela, Cuba reports Eva Golinger for her blog Postcard from the RevolutionAt least eight U.S. citizens were killed on a CIA operations base in Afghanistan this past Wednesday, December 30. A suicide bomber infiltrated Forward Operating Base Chapman located in the eastern province of Khost, which was a CIA center of operations and surveillance. Official sources in Washington have confirmed
