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Tag "Juan SITREP"

August 26th combat SITREP by Juan + two very different maps :-)

1. The situation has improved in Novorossiya but is still quite serious. The enemy still has an overwhelming advantage in hardware and men and in some instances shows they know how to use that preponderance. 2. As the Army of Novorossiya goes about it’s task of freeing cities, towns and villages they are followed by what relief is available for the newly freed citizens. Also in the follow up are

August 10th tatical, strategic and political SITREP by Juan

1. The Cauldron has not been totally suppressed as of 08:19 10.08.2014. Scattered pockets of Uke troops are still resisting. They are promptly overwhelmed as Resistance conducts their sweeps of the mostly abandoned Uke positions in The Cauldron. Confirmed. 2. Of the over 700 Uke troops who ran to and crossed the Norovorossiya/RF border more than 60% have asked for asylum. The remainder have been repatriated to Ukraine by their

July 30th Combat SITREP by Juan

Information from very reliable sources. These sources are in Novorossiya, Russian Federation, EU and Ukraine: 29.07.2014 in afternoon Ukraine time 4 SS-21 Tochka tactical ballistic missiles were fired by Ukraine Armed Forces. At least two were clearly aimed at Saur Moglia with the idea of the Ukes trapped in The Cauldron having a sudden escape route opened for them. Moments before launch Russian Federation units surged toward the border at

July 26th combat SITREP by Juan

1. Fighting in The Cauldron continues. самообороны (self defense forces) continue to reinforce against the ukes surrounded in The Cauldron. Today the border crossing at Marinovka was secured. The orks in The Cauldron are now completely surrounded and cut off. 2. Almost 100 Ukes in The Cauldron have run for the Russian border and crossed in to Russia. самообороны are not happy that these terrorist ukes who were perfectly happy

July 22nd combat SITREP by Juan

1. Donetsk, Lugansk and surrounding towns and villages being bombarded ceaselessly by Uke forces using every weapon in their possession, Grad, Hurricane, Tornado and Smerch MLRS and arty up to 20.3 cm. 2. In last 4 days over 300 civilians in the aforementioned areas have been killed and a like number and more wounded. Civilian and industrial areas completely devoid of any Army of Novorossiya facilities and troops are targeted

July 17th Ukraine Combat SITREP by Juan

1. Strelkov has allowed the Uke Army to enter in to a trap of their own making in a narrow long corridor between Army of Novorossiya and the Russia Border known as ‘The Cauldron’. Never underestimate your enemy. In this case it seems the Ukeland Army has violated that truism. 2. Minimum 35 Uke soldiers have been taken across the border to Russia for medical treatment. Confirmed.3. Border point near

July 11th Ukraine combat SITREP by Juan

The retreat from Slavyansk and surrounding area was successful. Losses occurred but they were minimal. ‘Minimal’ is a terrible term. Sounds fine unless you happen to be one of the ‘minimal’. The world’s eyes and minds were focused on The Cauldron (Slavyansk and Kramatorsk) and the Novorossiya/Russia borders for over two months. During that time many things happened in other areas of Novorossiya, away from prying eyes. The donations of

Ceasefire over – a short SITREP from Juan

From the website of the US Gauleiter in Kiev, Petro Poroshenko: “We will attack and liberate our land“. And attack they sure did. Below is the report which Juan has just sent me. The Saker ——The situation deteriorated. Kramatorsk is being flattened by intense bombardment. The ukes are using everything they have including gas and multiple Grad and Hurricane salvos. 04:00 Heavy armor moving on Kramatorsk. A full regiment including

June 25th Combat SITREP by Juan

1. There was and is no ‘cease fire’ in Novorossiya. Right sector/nats guard never stopped their attacks and bombardments nor have units of Ukraine Army. We know what West Media is saying, blaming all incidents on us. They are liars. We can not stand down while under attack from the enemy. 2. Bombardments of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Donetsk City, Lugansk City and outlying towns and villages continues day and night.  3.

June 13th Combat SITREP by Juan

1. Fighting central Mariupol near Novorossiya command post. Increasing intensity 06:15 13 June. 2. Minimum 3 main battle tanks Nats Army outside Lugansk captured by Army Novorossiya and are in use by new owners.  3. White Phosphor artillery shells used to bombard several villages around Slavyansk and Slavyansk City late evening and night. Fires in one village and Slavyansk City. 4. Unconfirmed but deemed reliable sources indicate chemical weapons and/or biological
