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Tag "Keith Hartzler"

“Ukraine, Bio-weapons, & the Pentagon”

by Keith Hartzler for the Saker Blog Are there American-run bio-weapon labs in Ukraine? After reading Dilyana Gaytandzhieva’s 29 April 2018 article “The Pentagon Bio-Weapons,” my answer is “Yes, but with caveats & qualifiers.” Gaytandzhieva claims there are eleven—three in Lviv; two in Dnipro; one each in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Vinnytsia, Ternopil, & Uzhgorod. The fact sheets she provides appear to be from a United States government website, though she

The Last Straw

by Keith Hartzler for the Saker blog Seeing the First Amendment abrogated; seeing, yet again, left-wing violence; seeing the fiasco’s primary victims anathematized by pseudo-journalists & self-serving politicians … I was aghast & felt myself crossing some sort of ontological Rubicon. After the false accusations of rape at Duke & UVA; after numerous cause célèbre black deaths; after myriad hate-crime hoaxes; after the SPLC & “The Trump Effect”; after the
