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Tag "Kiyoshi Hatanaka"

Serbs pressing on with pro-Russian stance

By Kiyoshi Hatanaka for the Saker Blog Serbian government’s recent vote in favor of ousting the Russian Federation from the UN Human Rights Council reverberated badly with the Serbian public, as did the regime’s servile vote in the General Assembly a few weeks ago to condemn Russia for its operation in Ukraine. An estimated 20,000 Serbs poured into the streets of Belgrade, assembling symbolically in front of the monument to

Serbia Sitrep – The common man says NO

Kiyoshi Hatanaka for the Saker Blog Serbia is a country that, as even its President Alexander Vucic has publicly admitted, supports Russia in the Ukrainian conflict by an overwhelming majority of at least 80 %. That is very likely an underestimate. The people of that small Balkan nation feel intuitively that Russia has acted correctly and that it is their only international friend. They know their history and realize that
