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Tag "kostunica"

Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica addresses the Serbian nation about Kosovo

Translation: “Dear citizens of Serbia, Today, on February 17, a phoney state of Kosovo has been declared in the part of Serbia’s territory that is under military control of NATO. This unprecedented lawlessness came as a result of destructive, cruel and immoral policy of force implemented by the US. This act informs the whole world that America puts force over the UN Charter and is ready to self-willingly, unscrupulously and

Serbia will not give consent to independence of Kosovo-Metohija

Belgrade, Feb 9, 2008 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica stated today that Kosovo-Metohija is priceless to Serbia, which is why it will not give its consent, in the form of some agreement with the EU, to the southern province’s independence. In a statement to the Tanjug news agency, Kostunica said that by deciding to send a mission to implement Kosovo’s unilateral independence, the EU has breached UN Security Council

The Battle for Kosovo is a battle for Serbia’s freedom

Belgrade, Dec 26, 2007 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica stressed today in address to MPs that the battle for Kosovo is the battle for Serbia’s freedom as neither as people or state are we free if Kosovo is not the province within Serbia as written in the Constitution. The Serbian government’s official website brings the Prime Minister’s speech in full. “Honourable parliament members, You have before you today the
