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Tag "Kurds"

SDF Seeks Cooperation With ‘Bloody Assad’ Against Turkey

Syrian War Report – October 9, 2019: SDF Seeks Cooperation With ‘Bloody Assad’ Against Turkey The withdrawal of US troops from the Turkish border has caused a kind of panic among the leadership of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, which mostly consist of Kurdish militias. On October 7, the group already speculated that the Syrian Army is preparing to capture the town of Manbij taking an upper hand of the

November 14, 2018: Turkish-PKK Conflict Escalates Amid Fresh PKK Attacks The People’s Defense Forces (HPG), a military wing of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), claimed that it had attacked 6 military bases in the southern Turkish provinces of Hakkari and Sirnak on November 9 and November 10. The HPG stated that 17 Turkish soldiers were killed and 32 others were wounded as a result of the attack. 8 soldiers are also missing, according to the HPG. It should be

Two views on independence

Translation by Scott Humor Radio Sputnik talk show guests Fuad Abbasov and Avigdor Eskin on the Kurdish referendum for independence. The Sputnik Radio refused to air this interview, however the Israeli journalist Avigdor Eskin latter attacked Fuad Abbasov in media.     Radio talk-show host: “Regarding the referendum in Kurdistan and looking at the situation from different points of view. What are the prognosis for Iraqi Kurdistan? Are we talking

Global and Info wars March 5th SITREP

  NATO continues build up of troops in Europe and on Russia’s borders The US carrier strike groups NATO General Peter Pavel offered Russia to recall the recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. In response, Russia has started a snap drill  in its Southern Military District with units deployed in Chechnya, Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia and Crimea. Russia also has scrambled Sukhoi fighter jets in response to the NATO Poseidon and Global

How Syrian Kurds dropped Marx and adopted communalism

by Claudio Gallo Debbie is not only the daughter of Murray Bookchin, the theorist of Communalism. She is a journalist and writer: in 2004, she wrote, together with Jim Schumacher, “The Virus and the Vaccine: Contaminated Vaccine, Deadly Cancers, and Government Neglect” about the polio vaccine scandal. She served as presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ press secretary from 1991-1994. But, yes, she is also her father’s daughter, spreading the legacy of
