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Tag "Latvia"

Post-Soviet limitrophes are haunted by the existence of Russia, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor Sometimes, reading news makes you think that post-Soviet limitrophes see “totalitarian Russia” even in their dreams. Upon waking up, they write about their nightmares in blogs.   Sometimes, reading news makes you think that post-Soviet limitrophes see “totalitarian Russia” even in their dreams. Upon waking up, they write about their nightmares in blogs. A recent example of how ruling classes in Russia’s neighboring countries

Latvians recall better Soviet times, by Ruslan Ostashko

The myth of the” Soviet occupation” began to show cracks at the moment when Euro-integration has depopulated Latvia by half. And it’s not even ethnic Russians who are eager to destroy the myth, but Latvians. Recent debates among Latvians on the Facebook were set off by Inara Ballade’s post in which she blames the Latvian “patriots” for brainwashing the population. “It’s disgusting to read this fictional and strained nonsense of
