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Tag "Lenin"

Greatest ‘sin’ of Lenin and Stalin

by Straight-Bat for the Saker Blog 1. Introduction There are some incidents in life which a person would continue to review time and again, knowing pretty well that, it would be just a futile exercise from which he/she won’t really draw serious lessons (those who believe in learning from past deeds/misdeeds seldom forget the proverbial statement of Marx: ‘History repeats itself first as tragedy then as farce’). Similarly there are

Lenin comes to the White House

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International Donald Trump, commenting on the passing of Fidel Castro, branded him a mere “dictator”. Whatever the long-lasting results (and mistakes) of the Cuban experiment, History has already de facto recognized Fidel as one of the great revolutionary leaders of the modern – and post-modern – era. Trump – historical irony obliges – also has all but christened the groundswell of anger that delivered him
