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Tag "lenin’s tomb"

More on “the only democracy in the Middle East”

by ‘Lenin’ for Lenin’s Tomb The news is that Israel has banned Arab parties from standing in the upcoming elections: Parliament spokesman Giora Pordes said the election committee voted overwhelmingly in favor of the motion, accusing the country’s Arab parties of incitement, supporting terrorist groups and refusing to recognize Israel’s right to exist. This can’t be a complete surprise since a) there are many Israeli politicians who would like the

Latest Iraqi Resistance Stats (must read!)

The always excellent blog Lenin’s Tomb has posted a very good commentary on the latest statistics out of Iraq. I urge everybody interested in the Iraq war to go to Lenin’s Tomb and read this analysis and see why ‘the Surge is working’.

The truth behind the Surge

The so-called ‘Surge’, and its alleged success, are based on two fundamental tactics: the first one is the so-called ‘Redirection‘ which consists of buying off the Sunni resistance, including all those groups who only yesterday were called ‘terrorists’; the second new tactic is massive increasing in the use of airpower. The blog Lenin’s Tomb has just published an excellent analysis which proves that the occupation forces are now truly engaged
