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Tag "letter from a friend"

Letter from ‘deep’ Russia

Dear friends, I recently spoke to a contact of mine in Russia and since he was living in a rather typical Russian town away from the huge Moscow megapolis or even one of the major Russian cities, I asked him to share with us his simple daily experience of Russia.  He kindly agreed and here is his letter below.  I hope that these impression of a 25 year old man

Letter from a friend in Austria or what the media does not want you to see

Dear friends, I just got this email from Austria. With my friend’s permission, I removed some personal details and share it with you now. The Saker ——-Dear Saker, I just came home from witnessing president Putin putting down flowers in honor of the Russian soldiers liberating Austria from fascism at Schwarzenbergplatz in Vienna. Now I arrived at Schwarzenbergplatz, the site of our monument in honor of the red army liberating Austria,
