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Tag "liberation of Europe"

More good news, this time from Greece, Germany and Spain

Very good developments in Europe as shown by these three BBC headlines: Greece crisis: Far left Syriza pulls out of talks: Alexis Tsipras: “As long as they insist on the bailout, to a policy that the people have rejected, they cannot ensure social stability”. The leader of far-left party Syriza will not attend coalition talks on Monday, reports say, plunging Greece into further political disarray. State election deals blow to

Western (pseudo-) “democracy” at its best

Great article by the BBC online today: Greek conservative Antonis Samaras has three days to form a coalition, faced with EU warnings to keep to the tough terms of international bailouts.Two-thirds of Greek voters backed parties opposed to the EU/IMF deal, renewing fears that Athens may default on its debts and leave the eurozone.Germany’s Angela Merkel has made clear that Greece’s reforms must go on.  Is that only me, or
