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Tag "lynching gaddafi"

Meet the folks who are now trying to seize power in Syria

A new video of Gaddafi’s murderers having a great time playing with his dead body has recently emerged.  Look at the faces of these folks, their attitude, their “playful” joy at having fun with the body of a dead man. These are the exact same crazed Wahabi thugs who are now trying to overthrow Assad in Syria and whom the West, and some terminally stupid Arabs, is now arming and

The BBC is “going mental” over Gaddafi’s lynching

The BBC actually posted this: Muammar Gaddafi’s death: NTC commander speaksThe commander of forces who captured Muammar Gaddafi has given details of the Libyan ex-leader’s last moments.  Omran al-Oweib told the BBC that the injured colonel was dragged from a drainage pipe where he was hiding in Sirte, took 10 steps and collapsed amid gunfire on Thursday.  He said it was impossible to tell who had fired the fatal bullet.Meanwhile

“What you are doing is forbidden in Islam!”

The following are reportedly Gaddafi’s last words: “What you’re doing is wrong, guys. What you’re doing is wrong. Do you know what is right or wrong? What are you doing? It’s haraam [forbidden]. It’s not allowed in Islamic law. Haraam. What you are doing is forbidden in Islam!” I am not a Muslim myself, and I am therefore not qualified to judge what is, or is not, forbidden in Islam. 

Gaddafi was lynched by a Wahabi mob! (UPDATED)

I just saw a video on Russia Today showing Gaddafi still alive, covered in blood, and lynched by a rabid mob screaming Allahu Akbar! This is revolting beyond words! As I always say, there is no peace possible between civilized mankind (I do not include NATO member states in that category, by the way) and the Wahabi crazies. Dubya was right. It really is “us or them”. How sad. The
