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Tag "Marcus Godwyn"

MH17, The Number 17, Nicholas 2nd And The Western Ruling Elites’ 1000 Year War On Christianity!

by Marcus Godwyn for the Saker blog “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” Walter Scott. Many many studies have been conducted, articles written, film documentaries made and many theories put forward, some very credible and others, well, less credible, of which the official, western, JIT theory is only one and one of the least credible, in the nearly five years since Malaysian Boeing

Who are the most dangerous Russians in the world today?

by Marcus Godwyn for the Saker blog, (with huge thanks to Gleb Glinker for expert proof reading and wise editing; the introduction to this article has been posted before here) As western media and politicians relentlessly continue to spew forth warnings to their hapless populations about the ever present and growing “Russian threat”, only today: 12-11-2017 NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg has told Europe to “Prepare for a Russian invasion”.
