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Tag "Marko Marjanovic"

Are Trump Tariffs the Wake Up Call China Needs to Stop Subsidizing the US, Unchain the Yuan, and Bury the Dollar?

by Marko Marjanović (author of the new Checkpoint Asia site) for The Saker blog For decades now China has kept its currency undervalued to the dollar and the US and China have both acted as if this was a boon to China. It is anything but. Yes, by keeping the yuan low China makes it easier for its good to compete on the American market, but only at the cost

Lesson Learned: Russia Is Now Doing in Venezuela What It Failed to Do in Yugoslavia, Syria

by Marko Marjanović (author of the new Checkpoint Asia site) for The Saker blog Pushing for the US to start an air war against Syria in 2012 Hillary Clinton argued in her emails that Russia would not “stand in the way”, just as it had done “little more than complain” when the US and its satellites bombed Yugoslavia in 1999: The second step is to develop international support for a
