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Tag "Metropolitan Anthony Khrapovitskii"

“On Nationalism and Patriotism” by Metropolitan Antoniy (Khrapovitskiy)

by Metropolitan Antoniy (Khrapovitskiy) Translation and notes by Edvin Buday While we conclude our prayer about our comrades who died for their love of the fatherland and begin our hymn to our heavenly patron, the holy Archistrategos Michael [1], let us focus our thoughts on the meaning of this event for the life of our national union [2]. The national spirit, or nationalism, is for the other modern tribes of

Christ the Savior and the Jewish Revolution

Written in April 1921 by His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) of Kiev and Galicia (1863-1936) Introduction by The Saker:  Today I am post another article written by an Orthodox Christian bishop, this time one of the most outstanding, if at times controversial ones, of the 20th century.  If  the previous article I posted was written by an Orthodox bishop right after the end of WWII, this one is written right
