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Tag "MID"

Russia’s Foreign Ministry answer to anti-Russia statements by CIA Director Mike Pompeo

Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, Moscow, August 17, 2017 Факт, о котором в США предпочитают не вспоминать… — Актуальная Политика (@Current_policy) August 18, 2017 “It is strange that Washington forgets the fact that in the run-up to the 1996 Russian presidential election, the Federal Reserve Bank delivered $500 million in cash to the US Embassy in Moscow under a far-fetched pretext of avoiding frenzied demand during the

Russia’s Foreign Ministry’s statement on the U.S. counter-sanctions

№ 1420-28-07-2017 28.07.17 Foreign Ministry’s statement   On July 27, the US Congress passed a new bill on tougher anti-Russia sanctions. This measure is further proof of the Unites States’ extremely hostile foreign policy. Hiding behind its sense of superiority, the United States arrogantly ignores the stances and interests of other countries. It is common knowledge that the Russian Federation has been doing everything in its power to improve bilateral

Comments of the Russian MID on the EU authority on human rights

The EU has long lost its moral right to act as an authority on human rights issues The following statement is an important step taken by the MID. Until recently, they refrained from directly pointing out that the European nations that are orchestrating the anti-Russian campaign are the same nations that participated in the  war on the USSR in 1941-1945. Some of them sent their armies to invade Russia and
