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Tag "military bases"

Russian elections SITREP September 18, 2016 by Scott Humor

The upcoming Russian parliamentary elections President Putin made an appeal to the citizens of Russia to come out and vote. Considering that he is our commander-in-chief, his words are the command for all. In terms of getting familiar with the political parties in Russia, I recommend this basic outline of the major political parties in the following article in RI translation: Duma Elections 2016: Putin Majority Will Win, Liberals Won’t

Folllwing Syria’s example, Libya now also wants a Russian naval base on its soil

Russia to up Mediterranean presence? Press TV reports: The Libyan president will discuss opening a Russian naval base in Libya during his three-day visit to Moscow, according to a newspaper. “During these talks the colonel [Muammar Gaddafi] intends to raise the issue of opening a base for Russia’s navy in the Libyan port of Benghazi,” the business daily Kommersant quoted an unnamed source involved in preparing Gaddafi’s visit. “In line
