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Tag "moderation policy"

Personal announcement: New moderation policy plan adopted

Dear friends,The following comments moderation policy has now been adopted:1.  Comments must contribute to the interest of a thread, a post or of the blog.  Just venting or totally inane comments will not be allowed.2.  Comments must be respectful. Criticisms are welcome, but they must be fact based on logically outlined.  Name calling does not qualify.3.  Off-topic comments are allowed, but have to offer something of interest to the readers.

Request for comments about my moderation policy

Dear friends, I have decided to take the opportunity of a lull in my Sunday afternoon to seek your advice as to what to do about my comments policy.After quite a few years of relative obscurity, this blog has seen a sudden and massive explosion in readership.  For years I was getting about 1000 visitors per week, now it regularly gets over 20’000 visitors per day from literally all over
