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Tag "Mohsen Rezaee"

Better late then never, I suppose

Mohsen Rezaee has withdrawn his complaint and declared that “The current political, social and security situation has entered a sensitive and decisive phase, which is more important than the election” Words of wisdom for sure, too bad he did not come to that conclusion as soon as it had become apparent that a) Ahmadinejad had won by a huge, unfakable, marginb) That the USraelian Empire and the Guccis would use

Better late then never, I suppose

Mohsen Rezaee has withdrawn his complaint and declared that “The current political, social and security situation has entered a sensitive and decisive phase, which is more important than the election” Words of wisdom for sure, too bad he did not come to that conclusion as soon as it had become apparent that a) Ahmadinejad had won by a huge, unfakable, marginb) That the USraelian Empire and the Guccis would use
