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Tag "morality"

The clash of civilizations according to Vladimir Putin

As always, in his recent Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly Putin touched on many topics including the Russian constitution, the slow implementation of Presidential decrees, healthcare, social issues, the budget, the military and other topics.  Yet, I believe that the most important part of his speech is the following one: (emphasis added) We have always been proud of our country. But we don’t have superpower aspirations; we don’t want

Marital infidelities and the military

I have to confess that my post yesterday was a little tongue-in-cheek. Yes, I did think that the women who tempted those generals were not “worth it” (judging by their looks, at least), and I do believe that many, if not most, men in the totally over-sexed Western society end up being sexually frustrated to the point of becoming unable to control even their most basic sexual urges. It is
