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Tag "NAVY"

NAVAL BRIEF 02 November 14th, 2016 by LeDahu

Part 1 – The Russian navy modernisation program “I would like to emphasize that we have commissioned 42 warships in the past three years, from 2013 to 2016. From 2016 to 2018 we are planning to commission more than 50 warships,” Russian naval CINC, Admiral Vladimir Korolyov said. Read more With only an estimated 48% of the Russian military has been modernised so far, it is certain that the Russian Navy is lagging behind. An interview with retired Deputy

The Russian Navy in the Eastern Mediterranean: Naval Briefing November 9th, 2016 by LeDahu

Source: Extract from infographic – Source: Extract from infographic – Latest information is that the Russian fleet off the coast of Syria is going to carry out military strikes in the Aleppo region including seaborne missiles launches.  This is not surprising since the main elements of the Russian Navy force have at last converged off Cyprus & Syria. The Kuznetsov carrier has been on the receiving end of

In the Baltic Sea Russian SU-24 jets celebrate anniversary of paralyzing the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea, by Scott

In April 12th, 2014 in the Black Sea, the Russian Sukhoi Su -24 with the newest jamming complex paralyzed the most modern American combat management system “Aegis” installed on the destroyer “USS Donald Cook.” April 12, 2015 one-year: Russian fighter Su-24 vs US Destroyer USS Donald Cook (2014) Published on Apr 10, 2015 Videos (Film Archive Su-24) 1967-1970 1972-2001 years. Russian fighter jet disables US missile destroyer using electronic warfare
