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Tag "Nexta"

NYT Says Telegram Has an Important Mission, Only OUTSIDE of US Borders (Anna Sochina)

Translated and subtitled by Leo. Hello dear friends, you liked the ‘This Is Different’ rubric. So today, I offer to continue it. Last time we were comparing the relationship between the Russian opposition with the social media blocks. Back then, we found out that an American IT company has the right to block whomever they want. Including the American president and his supporters. But for a Russian IT company, this

Poland and Lithuania Are Ready to ‘Take Back’ Belorussian Lands (Anna Sochina)

Translated by Sasha and subtitled by Leonya. Hello dear friends, once again Anna Sochina is with you. You may accuse me of a biased attitude towards Poland and the Baltic states. I often criticize them in my releases. Firstly, these republics often throw such performances that one cannot just walk by. And secondly, there is food for discussion in view of the events in Belorussia. Because no matter how much

Poland Coordinates Protests in Minsk. Why Russia Needs Runet as an Information Shield

Video by REDUX, it was then posted by Bornaya Solyanka, a successor channel to PolitRussia which has been deleted from YouTube since shortly before August 20th. Translated by Sasha and captioned by Leonya. The events in Belorussia bring on more than thoughts about the brotherly country’s internal and external political problems. The shutting down of the Internet over there and the phenomenon of the Telegram channel ‘Nexta’ (Belorussian word for
