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Tag "Noel Monteiro"

Nato in Russia’s crosshairs?

By Noel Monteiro for the Saker Blog Many comments have been written about Russia’s proposals to Nato, for a new defense framework in the west of Russia, and the Saker website has done a very good job of portraying it all from the Russian viewpoint, including the whole series of comments on/about Russia’s unambiguous and bluntly hard-worded proposals. There is no doubt, that the meaning of the words used, can

India’s border policies line with Thalassa

By Noel Monteiro — first published on the Saker Blog Telluria vs Thalassa Part 1 In one of his poems, Robert Frost says “good fences make good neighbours.” Yet in the 73 years of its existence, India has had border problems with all its neighbouring Asian states, while it allies are distant overseas states. Then on June 15 a unique battle occurred, medieval in practice, in Galwan Valley, Kashmir. The
