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Tag "Norman Ball"

Nazi Racialist Ideology in Service to Trump Derangement Syndrome

by Norman Ball for The Saker Blog   A full year ago, as it was dawning on most reasonable people the Trump-Russian Collusion narrative was a hoax drenched in donkey-fied Goebbelian misdirection, I noted with alarm (here on The Saker Blog) how Never Trumpism, in its manic excesses, was retracing a very dark chapter of Nazi racialist ideology.   In a disturbing instance of enantiadromia, this very same faction was accusing

The Life of the Party Has Left

by Norman Ball for The Saker Blog “First, after days and days of intensive negotiations, Secretary Kerry and Foreign Minister Lavrov finally reached a deal on a cease-fire in Syria which had the potential to at least “freeze” the situation on the ground…Then the USAF, along with a few others, bombed a Syrian Army unit…Needless to say, following such a brazen provocation the cease-fire was dead. The Russians expressed their

‘Cost-Push’ Narrative Formation in the Trump Era

In his 1928 landmark book Propaganda, public relations pioneer and Goebbelsian trailblazer Eddie Bernays offered what amounts to a disingenuous assertion at best: “It is important that any effort to influence or effect the American public that is not in the public interest be killed by the light of pitiless publicity and analysis.” Immediately, the statement begs two questions: What if the American public decides at the ballot box that

Sins without Recourse, Beast without Remorse

by Norman Ball for The Saker Blog “[W]e, as serious people, cannot examine the concrete problems that are thrown when the Russian Federation is accused of all mortal sins without recourse to the processes (norms) created for similar cases,” –from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s October 18th interview with RT France. Russia labors under a West-imposed Original Sin that can obtain dispensation only with the former’s existential cessation. The root

A Glimpse Beyond the Unipolar Moment

by Norman Ball for the Saker Blog “Potentially the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China, Russia and perhaps Iran, an ‘anti-hegemonic’ coalition, united not by ideology but by complementary grievances” —Zbigniew Brzezinski Are we reaching the penultimate and petulant back-end of the American Empire’s Unipolar Moment, a denouement hastened by a raft of sanctions regimes as imperiously doled out as they are laden with unconsidered paradox?
