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Tag "Novorossia"

The Empire on the offensive in France and Russia

The latest issues of Charlie Hebdo has been printed at 3 million copies (some sources said 5 million). They go on ebay for up to 300 Euros. RT reports that “Sunni Islam’s most renowned center of learning, Al-Azhar in Cairo, said that the cartoons “stir up hatred” and “do not serve the peaceful coexistence between peoples.” Tabnak, a conservative online outlet in Iran, wrote that “Charlie Hebdo has again insulted

Forgive us for not dying in Slavyansk

by Igor Druze (Igor Strelkov’s Advisor) translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov The Militia was forced to leave Slavyansk. Of course, we were prepared to stand firm to the end, and were ready to obey any order to that effect from the Commander-in-Chief. All of us had prepared wills and said our farewells to our kin. But we are military people, and we also were prepared to follow a different
