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Tag "Novorussian combat intermediate SITREP"

Ukraine intermediate SITREP

1) The explosion in Donetsk: Russian TV has just shown footage of the crater left by the explosion and it is absolutely huge. See for yourself: The crater is about 10m (30 ft) deep. It is located on the territory of a chemical factory, but it did not hit any of the main buildings. Whether there was any building at the actual location of the explosion is impossible to tell:

Short clarification about the situation in Novorussia

Dear friends, You probably all have heard that the Ukies are advancing on all fronts and even that they have taken Saur Mogila. I have carefully scanned all my news sources from the conflict area and this information is false. What really happened is, indeed, the Ukies did launch massive attacks, one reportedly with 200 or so tanks. Battles have taken place in Gorlovka, the outskirts of Donestk and Lugansk,
