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Tag "OAS"

ALBA, UNASUR and even OAS – all reaffirm the primacy of international law

Okay, not all of them quite to the same degree.  If ALBA and UNASUR clearly and unconditionally backed Ecuador, the OAS passed only a vague, lukewarm and non-specific resolution.  So what?  Everybody knows that the OAS is Anglo-controlled.  But even though the USA opposed the meeting, it had to agree to the resolution passed on the condition that it made no specific reference to the UK.  Fair enough – that

The Americas against the Anglosphere

Excellent news! According to SkyNews, The Organisation of American States (OAS) has called a meeting of foreign ministers for August 24 to discuss the stand-off sparked when Ecuador granted asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Twenty-three countries voted on Friday for the resolution proposed by Ecuador to convene the meeting at its Washington headquarters to discuss Quito’s stand-off with Britain over Assange. The US, Canada and Trinidad and Tobago voted
