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Tag "organized crime"

Council of Europe Adopts Kosovo Organ Trafficking Report

Sofia News Agency reports: The human rights committee of the Council of Europe adopted Thursday a resolution requesting investigation of the traffic of drugs, weapons and human organs carried out by organizations in Kosovo under the heading of Hashim Thaci (in civilian clothes on the photo below). Council of Europe Secretary-General Thorbjørn Jagland has called the information in the report “very serious and concerning” and has requested that the allegations

If you thought the Bodies Exhibit was bad…

(re-printed by kind permission from the Prisoner of Starvation’s excellent blog) A couple months ago, I looked at 20/20’s exposé of the Bodies exhibits that are popping up all over the country. I didn’t think that the sordid alliance of corrupt officials of a repressive government and the greedy corporations buying bodies of tortured/executed political prisoners and putting on display could be topped in terms of macabre, but I was
