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Tag "Orthodox Church"

Orthodox Christian Georgian Assyrian Church Chants 16 & 50 Psalms

It’s real! Christ our True God, touches our Hearts but we in our vanity don’t notice it. We call upon Him, only when we’re hurt. We offer to your attention a chant in one of the dialects of Aramaic. It is real, though many say that Aramaic language is dead, but it’s not. I very much hope that our songs touched your hearts for in them we Praise God! 16

The Second Coming, the End Times, the Antichrist, Orthodoxy, Islam and an Open Thread

Tomorrow Orthodox Christian celebrate two events: the Presentation of our Lord and Meatfare Sunday also known as the Sunday of of Second Coming. What is interesting about this day is that this is the day when during the Matins service, after the 6th Ode of the Canon, the Synxarion of the day is read. A “synaxarion” is a short text discussing and analyzing of the person or event commemorated during

Religious officials in Russia call for the dismissal of the Defense Minister

According to the religious news website Portal Credo several officials of the Department of the Moscow Patriarchate dealing with the Armed Forces have demanded the dismissal of Defense Minister Serdiukov. An official of the Synodal Department for Relations with Armed Forces of the Moscow Patriarchate Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko is convinced that the Paratroopers are entitled to demand the resignation of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, after he insulted the Hero of
